The Adaptive Climbing Wall provides students with varying abilities a product to enjoy physical activity while gaining confidence and having fun! It includes grab-bar style hand holds and ledge-style foot holds to provide extra support for children with physical disabilities. This colorful and engaging wall gives students numerous learning opportunities beyond just climbing, including sentence-building and math practice on the dry-erase and magnetic-accepting surface. The Adaptive Climbing Wall gives students proprioceptive input while building core-strength and muscle tone. Additionally, students can develop problem-solving and decision-making skills while navigating the wall. This product is ideal for inclusive physical education classes and occupational and physical therapy rooms. Each 4' x 8' wall section includes educational magnets, dry-erase markers, adaptive climbing and hand holds, 66 preset placement options for mounting hand holds, the red-relief line, and the adaptive climbing activity guide. This durable product is a fun addition to any active classroom setting.