Corkboards are a beloved classroom staple and often the go-to method for posting school announcements, schedules, artwork and more. Versatile and exceptionally durable, these eco-friendly boards can last a lifetime with minimal maintenance. After years of use, however, it’s not uncommon to see cracks, holes, crumbling or fading on the cork’s surface. And in busy labs or eating areas, corkboards may be vulnerable to stains or spills. Fortunately, with little effort you can get your school bulletin board looking new again.
How to fix holes or cracks in your corkboard?
- Apply a neutral wood filler to the hole or crack with a putty knife. These materials can be found at any local hardware store.
- Allow the wood filler to dry completely – shallow repairs typically dry within 2 hours.
- Lightly sand down the surface of the dry wood filler with a fine grade sandpaper (100 to 220 grit) to ensure an even look and feel.
How to remove dirt, stains or ink marks on your corkboard?
- Mix ¼ cup of dish soap with one quart of warm water. To disinfect the cork or remove odors, add in ¼ cup vinegar.
- Wipe down the board’s surface with the soapy solution using a soft sponge or rag.
- Use a rag or towel to dry the cork as much as possible. To avoid mold growth, allow the board to dry completely before storage or use (mold and mildew love wet cork).
If a warm soapy solution doesn’t do the trick, sandpaper will. Here’s how to remove stains on your corkboard using sandpaper:
- Use a fine grade sandpaper (100 to 220 grit) to sand down the area of the stain.
- Sand in one direction only; do not sand in a circular motion.
- Clear away any debris after sanding.
- Use a clean, damp cloth to aggressively wipe down the sanded area and blend it in with the rest of the board.
Pro tip: While cork is a naturally water-resistant material, adding a waterproof sealant to its surface will enhance its water-resistant properties, protect it against scuffs and scratches and prolong its lifespan. Add a waterproof sealant to corkboards in eating areas, labs or other spaces where they may be vulnerable to water exposure.
For cork boards that are simply too damaged or worn to repair, purchasing a replacement board may be the simplest solution. We have bulletin boards and cork boards in all sizes and styles to suit any space, indoors or out. You’ll find vinyl and rubber tackboards, mobile boards, enclosed boards and more. No matter your needs, you’re sure to find the board for you.
Have questions? We’re here to help! Our experts are available by phone at 1-800-260-2776. You can also get personalized assistance through our or by emailing us. We’re available Monday-Friday, 8am-7pm.