Classroom Management

Flexible learning spaces and social emotional benefits

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We often share trends and school furniture insights based on the thousands of district leaders who trust us with their learning space designs and furniture orders every year. This year, we took that active listening even further when we partnered with EdWeek Research Center to conduct an official survey. Seen & Heard: 2024 Voice of Educators Survey captured what teachers and administrators value most in the classroom, relating to furniture and flexible learning spaces. These insights can inspire how your school accelerates learning recovery.

And the benefits of deconstructed classrooms, now outfitted with mobile, inclusive, and adaptive furnishings, extend benefits beyond the academic. In fact, student social-emotional learning is supported, as well, within these flexible classroom environments and educational spaces. Today, we'll take a deeper dive into why and how – and we'll share specific furniture products you can add to your back-to-school essentials lists.

5 key elements of social-emotional learning (SEL)

Social-emotional learning (SEL) can manifest uniquely with each student. However, the concept can be broken down into five core competencies or key elements. As you look to create more supportive and flexible learning spaces, find furniture and accessories that reinforce the following skills:

  • Relationship skills: conflict management, teamwork, leadership, and communication skills, which are developed through interactions with others.

  • Social awareness: be aware of others' needs and time and to become interested in their experiences and cultures.

  • Self-awareness: develop awareness of oneself, internal thoughts, behaviors, and outward expressions.

  • Responsible decision-making: how to make choices and set goals can help them learn to be responsible and independent.

  • Self-management: students learn to listen, take turns, express emotions, and manage stress.

1. Enhanced collaboration and communication

Flexible learning spaces support student communication and collaboration. Imagine mobile and collaborative desks assembled for group interactions and projects. Students who routinely learn to engage their peers to achieve common goals, also learn to communicate effectively and build relationships. And according to responses from Seen & Heard: 2024 Voice of Educators Survey, 84% of school administrators believe flexible learning space can support classroom communication.

Explore school furniture essentials that specifically support and promote communication and collaboration:

2. Increased engagement and comfort

Every student learns, engages, and retains lessons differently. Today's educators find that when the classroom adapts to accommodate various learning styles, students become more engaged and motivated to learn. When you create flexible learning spaces that support individual learning, group learning, and overall comfort in the classroom, you can expect positive social-emotional learning results. And these accelerated results are happening now - our survey also revealed that 80% of administrators believe flexible learning spaces support student engagement.

Support the unique profiles of your students with furniture designed to support comfort and engagement:

3. Support focus and listening skills

When you're able to create learning spaces that allow and encourage students to focus, you can expect better academic performance. But flexibility in the classroom also supports listening skill development in a more social emotional way. Imagine wobble stools to calm busy students and outdoor seating to take learning outside. 75% of school administrators we surveyed believe that flexible learning spaces improve student listening.

Discover some of the flexible school furniture designed to reduce distractions and support better classroom listening:

4. Reduction of stress and anxiety

Students don't effectively learn when they don't feel comfortable and secure. A flexible learning space helps students feel secure by developing adaptability skills that help to regulate stress or anxiety. It also encourages students to find a space in the classroom where they feel most comfortable. Think Zen dens, calming spaces, and fidget toys.

Find unique classroom furniture and accessories designed to support calming and reduced-stress environments:

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FAQs about flexible learning spaces and learning recovery

Can flexible learning spaces promote student independence and responsibility?

A flexible learning space empowers students to take charge of themselves. They take an active role in learning, such as deciding where and how they will study. This encourages a sense of independence within students. It also helps develop self-decision-making. These skills build responsible decision-making that will become essential later in life.

Can flexible learning spaces and furniture support real-world skill development?

The school years are when students develop the interpersonal, social, and emotional skills they will need later in life. These skills include collaborating, adapting to changing circumstances, and problem-solving. Flexible learning spaces create a changing environment that is also a controlled and secure space. This helps students adapt to changing conditions while also feeling supported. Students can adapt to the flexible learning space while collaborating with other students.

Where can my school create flexible learning spaces?

Your school can bring mobility, collaboration, and inclusive learning to any space. This includes classrooms, outdoor learning areas, cafeterias, common areas, libraries, media centers, Esports, gyms, and more! Whether you start outfitting one room at a time or want to explore entire room designs, we can help!

School Outfitters makes going flexible easy

Look to school furniture to help you make your learning spaces flexible in supporting academic achievement as well as social-emotional learning. And let School Outfitters be your guide for all things school furnishings! We make every step of the purchasing process easy. From free room designs and quick ship furniture to collaborative planning and incredible warranty care, we're just a phone call, chat, or click away.

Get your free quote today or connect with one of our furniture experts to get started!

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