Learning Spaces

Calming spaces are the #1 planned learning space investment right now: Here's why

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Calming spaces have become popular additions to today's schools. These areas offer students a safe place to go when they are feeling overwhelmed, and many calming spaces also incorporate tools and activities to help students better manage their emotions. It's a novel approach that's working–and school officials have noticed.

In our recent 2024 Voice of Educators Survey, administrators rated which learning spaces were a top priority this year and over the next five years. And rounding out the top of that list, which included STEM rooms, inclusive learning spaces, and career and technical education, were calming spaces.

So, why are calming spaces the number one planned learning space investment right now? Keep reading to explore all the benefits of calming spaces for your students and enlist the expert help of School Outfitters to help create these valuable spaces this year.

Kids of all ages are stressed these days

Students today experience unprecedented levels of stress. The American Institute of Stress found that 75% of high schoolers reported experiencing boredom, anger, fear, sadness, or stress. An NYU study found that 49% of all students report school-related stress every day. And EdSource found that 63% of students surveyed reported having an “emotional meltdown” within the past year, another 43% reported experiencing panic attacks, and 22% of student participants admitted to missing three or more days of school because of mental health stress.

As administrators and educators, you can help by giving your students the tools and learning environments they need to find calm, peace, and balance. Calming spaces are one of those tools. And they're growing in popularity across countless school districts because there's just more demand for a solution to student stresses.

Students need help regulating their emotions

When students become overwhelmed, anxious, agitated, or distressed, calming spaces give them a chance to self-regulate or co-regulate. They are able to move to a calm, quiet environment, take a break from stressors, have privacy while they are upset, and use sensory tools or work with a counselor to regulate their emotions. Once they are calm, students can return to class in a better frame of mind and ready to learn.

Calming spaces help promote healthier behaviors

Many of the not-so-healthy behaviors students exhibit are rooted in an inability to regulate their emotions. Without the right tools, they can become overwhelmed or overstimulated. The truly wonderful advantage of calming spaces is that they help prevent these sometimes-harmful behaviors by aiding students in regulating their emotions, allowing them to calm down before they reach a point of acting out. Students are given an opportunity to step away and regain control of their emotions. And that's a skill that ultimately makes classrooms happier, less disruptive, and safer places for everyone.

Calming spaces help students spend more time in the classroom

We know students need to be in class to learn effectively. But many of the traditional methods of managing overstimulated or disruptive behaviors involve moving students out of the classroom, sometimes for days or weeks at a time. Calming spaces, on the other hand, help prevent the need for such punitive measures by giving students and teachers an option to intercede before behaviors escalate. And setting aside time in a calming space within the classroom means students don't have to be separated from the classroom setting to prevent disruption.

A space where students and teachers can both find calming

When Zen dens or calming spaces are available, both students and teachers can leverage them for calming. For instance, if a teacher sees that a student is becoming upset, the teacher can suggest visiting the calming space. Alternatively, if students recognize that they themselves are becoming anxious, irritated, or distressed, they may request to spend time in the calming space.

Calming spaces foster the development of positive coping skills

Calming spaces do an excellent job of fostering the development of positive coping skills. Indeed, they give educators the opportunity to educate students from preschool onward to respond to hard situations and difficult emotions in a positive way.

Students learn to identify their emotional needs, address them in a healthy manner through the use of calming spaces, and return to class when they feel better. In some cases, they may also work with a counselor or other professional to learn coping techniques while using the calming space. This sets them up for a lifetime of healthier and more successful relationships with family, friends, coworkers, and members of the community.

Where should calming spaces be located?

Calming spaces can be located anywhere! The ideal location really depends on the needs of your student population, combined with the space that is available. Some schools designate entire rooms as calming spaces, while others simply set up a corner of the classroom to function as a calming space.

The way you decide to run your calming space will also influence its location. For example, do you want it to be located near the counselor's office so that someone is available to supervise and assist students? Or do you want the calming space to be accessible to students directly within their classroom? Talk to your students and staff about what would work best in your school.

Calming spaces aren't a punishment. Instead, these peaceful enclaves serve as healthy spaces for individual student coping as well as group benefit. Calming spaces continue to be an integral part of education because they're so customizable and flexible as healthy solutions.

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What furnishings create great calming spaces?

Just as the location of calming spaces varies by school, the furniture and products that should be included will also vary depending on the unique needs of your students. In general, however, you should aim to create privacy, include lighting and school furniture that fosters a sense of calm and peace, and provide tools to address sensory needs.

For inspiration, consider these popular calming space furnishings and products:

School Outfitters is your #1 furniture partner

Start leveraging the many benefits of calming spaces for your students! These modern, healthy solutions benefit individual students, group learning, and teachers. And however you choose to outfit your calming spaces, be sure to evaluate them regularly to ensure they meet the needs of your students and faculty.

Are you ready to invest in calming spaces for your school? Get a free quote here! Calming spaces are a breeze to create when you work with the top furniture experts at School Outfitters!

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